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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 8: social media

The to-do list of a small business owner is long. For every item marked off, two more things pop up. Even for someone like me who loves a list, it can be overwhelming.
I find electronic updates on my list all the time. We need to: update the website (always), post some pictures on Facebook (once/week), start to use twitter again(?)...but where to draw the line?
I saw a blog yesterday with, I think I counted correctly, 17 buttons. I feel comfortable enough in my hipness to tell you I had no idea where most of them went.
fivethirty uses Facebook primarily as a way to communicate with our online customers/friends. Since I've started the blog, I do links on Facebook. It is where I feel most comfortable and it is easy to navigate. We have a twitter account we barely use. Maybe it's the character limit that is intimidating??
I really like Instagram to quickly edit pictures and Pinterest for ideas. I haven't set up accounts for the store yet, but I probably should. I'll add it to the to-do list!
Bye for Now,

1 comment:

  1. hi erica!

    your shop is just fantastic!! i was at fivethirty yesterday for jen's fun & fabulous cottage makery workshop & kept getting distracted by mounds of treasures. so much prettiness, so many interesting items and so very well curated. i loved it and can't wait to get back in there and dig around.

    loved seeing your store & loved taking a class there. look forward to seeing you and fivethirty again soon!


    p.s. give your father-in-law a big "roll tide" from a fellow alabama grad & fan.
