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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 14: To paint or not to paint?

To paint, or not to paint, that is the question:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the home to suffer
The harsh and manly wood tones
Or to take paint brush against raw material...
Ok, that's enough. My apologies to Shakespeare.
Anyway, I have this cabinet. This one is mine all mine. It's already in my bedroom and I love it!
It is the perfect height. I love the style and it is just so darn pretty.
Close up of the wood grain on the doors. Look at how it meets up on the seam.
This is the bottom of the cabinet in the front. It is really interesting. Not sure how long it would take someone to do that, but I'm guessing a long time!
These are the doors. This is where I get a little torn. I can appreciate the craftsmanship of this but it reminds me of a tree trunk??
And there is a tiny bit on the exposed side where the veneer has chipped....what's a girl to do? I told my husband I would leave it for now, but it is haunting me...what do you think?
Bye for now,


  1. Hi Erica,
    Found you via Thrifty Decor Chick link. Oh my, that is a conundrum. I am a painted wood fan, but in this case I have to say stop! It is the grain baby!!! I see your point about the doors
    Those knobs do kind of look like little beady eyes. Maybe a change of hardware would change it enough to keep the paint urge at bay. Good luck!


  2. In my opinion, I would leave it. It is a beautiful piece, and needs nothing but Old English.

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